Tuesday, January 15, 2013

DIY Face Mask

This one is for you Benni  :)

For the last couple of weeks, my skin has been acting up. So I was frantically looking up rememdies for my sudden outburst of blemish/acne skin, and I found this miracle worker! Apple cider vinegar and green tea face scrub, and toner. After about 2 days of using it, I could see the results already. It is so easy to make yourself, and it truly worked for me. 

Here's what you'll need:

Apple Cider Vinegar (make sure it's apple cider, not regular white vinegar)
Green Tea
Lemon (optional)

1 part apple cider vinegar
2 part green tea

What you'll need to do first is brew some green tea and let it cool. Then you mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and 2 teaspoon of green tea into  a bowl. Add 5 teaspoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix it well and add 2 more teaspoon of sugar to give it a thicker consistency. And VOILA! Make sure you keep it in a lid jar and store it in the fridge. 
When applying the mask, use a cotton ball to apply it to the face and gently rub for 2 minutes. Let it sit on your face for 10 mintues and rinse off with warm water. After the mask, you will apply your toner. I suggest only using the toner at night, since the vinegar does have a strong smell :).

So why does this work?

Apple Cider Vinegar

-Apple cider vinegar is naturally antiseptic and antibacterial, which helps in shedding dead skin cells, unclog pores and adjust PH balance of skins. 
-It is rich in Alpha Hydroxy acids which help dissolve fatty deposit on the skin, and Malic acid in apples has natural antioxidant to prevent water loss, moisture skin to keep it smooth and soft. 
-Apple cider vinegar also helps increase function in the liver, bladder and kidney (these organs are the main function in toxin removing), to help get clearer skin. 
-It also contains vitamins such as Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, E, P, and beta carotene, so if consume daily it can help reduce acne.

Green Tea

When using green tea on the skin, it washes deep into the pores to get rid of dirt and dust while gentle on the skin. 
-Green tea is known for being rich in antioxidant, which helps anti-aging by warding off wrinkles, fight free radicals and heals damage cells, that otherwise lead to blemishes and spots. 
-The anti-flammatory agent in green tea can help fight skin cancer and reduces swelling in face. 
-Catechin in green tea is a natural anti bacterial agent that supress acne causing bacteria and leads skin with a radiant glow.


-Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples, and helps fight infection.
-It is also antiseptic, and when diluted with water, it produces hydrogen peroxide that is useful in treating wounds and cuts.
-Honey is a good cleanser for skin, as it soaks up impurites from your pore, leaving it clear and clean. Honey is also a good moisturizer by its ability in retaining moisture in the skin and keeping it soft and supple.


-Sugar is considered to be a great scrub for the skin.
-Sugar produces glycolic acid, a natural alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin.
-Glycerin in sugar helps soften the skin and helps brighten the complexion.

I hope you guys find this helpful, and please do let me know if you've tried it :) XOXO


  1. Thank you! :)
    This was very helpful

  2. Instructions are so clear! I'm going to try this! But I'm allergic to apples so I'm going to replace that ingredient with something else. What do you suggest?
